

Manus Art Collective 

Xposure odvozeno od slova "expose"/ "odkrytí". Energické taneční představení zpracovává téma duality, síly, konfliktu/osvobození. Temně energetický techno trip zahalený do temnoty s nádechem absurdity. 


Xposure derived from the word "expose". Explosive dance performance deals with the theme of duality, power, conflict/liberation. A darkly energetic techno trip shrouded in darkness with a touch of absurdity. 


Choreography: Klára Ešnerová (CZ)

Choreography assistant: Meike Stevens (NL)

Assistant dramaturgy: Julia Godino Llorens (ESP)

Performers: Agáta Jarošová (ESP/CZ),

Barbora Ptáčková (CZ), Edita Antalová (SK),

Eva Mora Gonzales (ESP), Štěpána Nlasa Mfuta (CZ)

Light design: Judita Mejstříková (CZ)

Music: Bulat Yanyshev (UZB), Alexander Filimonov (UZB)

Costume designer: Polina Akhmetzhanova

Production: MANUS Art Collective z.s.

Co-production: Divadlo BRAVO, tep39, Jatka 78, Švestkový dvůr, EPO1, tYhle

Supported by: MKČR, SFK, Praha 7


Experimental solo performance, which combines dance, film and music.

Close your eyes and dream. Move to the rhythm of the melody without boundaries. Open to new experiences. Connect with nature. Listen to the wind and the ocean. Walk hours without destination. Love life, world, people, universe. Be different. Be the same. Be one. Together we are....



Experimentální sólové představení, které kombinuje tanec, videoprojekci a hudbu.

Zavřít oči a snít. Hýbat se do rytmu melodie bez zábran. Otevřít se novým zážitkům. Propojit se s přírodou. Naslouchat větru a oceánu. Hodiny se procházet bez cíle. Milovat život, svět, lidi, vesmír. Být jiný. Být stejný. Být jeden. Společně jsme...Freedom

Choreography and performance: Klára Ešnerová

Movie : Adam Jay 

Editing : Klára Ešnerová 

Music : Klára Ešnerová 


Solo dance choreography


Party as a social ritual of today. We go dancing till the morning to forget about the routine of everyday life. Loosing ourselves in the crowd. Meditation and trance, liberation from a restless mind and escape into space-time.

En-trance is an interactive and entertaining performance that transcends the boundaries of dance styles. Relax and let yourself be drawn into this extraordinary experience not only thanks to the direct participation of the audience, but also special audiovisual elements.


Párty jako sociální rituál dnešní doby. Jdeme tančit až do rána, abychom zapomněli na chmury a ztratili se ve víru společnosti. Meditace a trans, odproštění se od neklidné mysli a únik do časoprostoru.

En-trance je interaktivním a zábavním představením, které překračuje hranice tanečních stylů. Uvolněte se a nechte se vtáhnout tímto nevšedním zážitkem nejen díky přímé participaci diváků, ale i speciálním audiovizuálním prvkům.

Concept, choreography and performance: Klára Ešnerová

Audiovizual art: Laura de Man


Xposure is an abstract and visual dance performance based on a specific movement quality that aims to show the inner interaction between the good and bad sides of people.

How does this struggle manifest itself within a person on a mental, emotional and physical level? Qualities such as power and explosiveness give a specific language to the performance and ensure a mutual connection between the dancers.

The society in which we live teaches us to suppress our inner demons, inner depths that we all experience and recognize. By showing these demons on stage, Klára makes the audience feel an emotional connection with the dancers.


Choreography :        Klára Ešnerová

Performed by:

Júlia Godino Llorens, Aki Iwamoto, Margot Masquelier, Meike Stevens,Pauline Van Nuffel

Light design:     Joey Brocken

​Pictures, trailer 1 : Laure de Manová

Trailer 2 : Machias Bosschaerts , Klara Esnerova

Production :   The Backyard vzw

With the support of

Stad Antwerpen; ccBerchem

Thanks to

Kavka / LevelUp; Oc Nova; Fameus



Music, dance video clip

Somewhere in the streets, being yourself, without boundaries. 


Director, music composer and editor : Laura De Manová

Performance and choreography : Klára Ešnerová

"The Now is gone"

Teď, je pryč

Photo by Vojtěch Brtnický
Photo by Vojtěch Brtnický
Photo by Vojtěch Brtnický
Photo by Vojtěch Brtnický
Klára je infekční, Adam nepřišel, Sršeň letí v dálce, Štěpánka má ráda kočky, Anička má zrzavý vlasy Jakub občas depkaří a Šimon má novou tygří mast. Václav má rád Club maté a hraje nám k tomu super dydžinu.


Klára is infected, Adam didn't come, the hornet flies in the distance, Štěpánka likes cats, Anna have ginger hair, Jakub have sometimes bad mood and Šimon has new tiger balm. Václav likes clubmaté and plays the best jam.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
You don't have to analyze or understand this text. The now is gone.

Choreography:Klára Ešnerová & Štěpána Mancová

Dancers: Anna Benháková, Adam Arai, Jakub Domorád, Klára Ešnerová, Štěpána Mancová

Music : Václav Kalivoda


-consious. Basement.

Dark blue.

                   Black dog.

                                     Somewhere under.

Different space. Can't.


Choreographer: Klára Ešnerová

Performers: Klára Ešnerová, Rino Sokol, Adia Vanheerentals

The leaving room

The leaving room is an experimental dance film made during the Common ground project week organized by the Roayl conservatory Antwerp. Project was made by Machias Bosschaerts, Júlia Godino Llorens, Alexa Moya and Klára Ešnerová. This four artists were in charge of all the aspect of the film, scenography, costumes, makeup, dramaturgy, dance/acting and shooting.

L3V3L 3

Life is a game. WE CHOOSE HOW TO PLAY IT!

Life is THE GAME

What if life was just a game? We are all just characters trying to achieve the goal of life - happiness. To achieve that we need to cross many barriers. In life, you go through certain levels like in computer game. The beginning is obviously easier and the levels start to be more and more difficult. Getting through one level is very satisfying and brings us happiness, but only for a little while, before we need to pass to the next level.

Choreographer: Klára Ešnerová

Performanced by: Jasmine Norton, Dries Verstreepen, Axelle Vienne



MAT-X, duet connected with the music of Ryoji Ikeda. The choreograhy works with symbols and rituals of inner power. Meeting of two strong characters connected with a certain purpose.

Creation and interpretation : Klára Ešnerová, Štěpána Mancová

Direction : Saju Hari

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